Everything you want to know about Meta-verse

What is Meta-Verse? 

Nowadays we are hearing some new terms like Crypto Currencies, Blockchain, NFTs and Meta-Verse. We all know that from decade to decade the world has been developing in a very fast way. Like from 2007 the dot com thing went up and currently it is said that Meta-Verse is going to be the next future of internet. People are investing in this thing blindly. On the other hand there's a lot of marketing hype wrapped up in selling the idea of "the Meta-Verse". As the tech CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg and Satya Nadella talking about this thing is going viral in social media.

So what is Meta-Verse exactly?
The word " Meta-verse" itself has a very vague and complex meaning of it. While relating it to  technology it usually refer to virtual reality and virtual world which continue to exist even when you are in to them. It is augmented on virtual and physical world. 
Why there is a Hype on Meta-Verse?

The Meta-verse represents a highly interactive three-dimensional virtual world. Like the real world, users can trade land, buildings, and other digital assets in the Meta-verse and explore the space using their Custom avatars. It is all rage these days, yet its future aspects seems debate full. However he worldwide market size of meta verse is estimated to reach over $1605 Billion by 2035. Kamani explains that the major tech firms of the world want to jump on the hype of the Meta-verse early and dominate it before any new players come in and displace them. The Meta-Verse are meticulously developed by Meta, Microsoft and Epic games. 

How one can earn in Meta-verse ? 

There are various ways to earn money in Meta-verse.

Being a Real estate Dealer of properties :- 
The Most prominent divers of this line are heading into the category of virtual real estate are focusing on two blockchains ~ the sandbox and Decentraland. They allow the users to purchase the plot with help of NFT tokens.

Virtual Reality Galleries :- 
Everyone Knows about the craze of NFTs even the top art experts agree that new virtual space art is going to transform and expand the industry in various ways. Opening your art gallery is one of the finest ways to earn money in meta-verse. 
Conclusion :- 
The meta-verse is the next generation of the internet. It is being built around activities you'll enjoy with your friends and coworkers. An exponential increase in creators are mixing-and-matching, embedding and linking, leveraging a new era of creator-oriented tools.

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