6 Movies that are Worth Watching!

5 Movies that are worth watching

 Movies have been integral part of our Life. After Being Tired From your Working day,  you come at home to relax and specially at weekend when there is holiday you have nothing to do or Watch stupid and boring movies and series. But here we have brought you 6 Exciting Movies that are worth watching and spending your time.

1. The Godfather Trilogy (1972-1976) :- 

It is an amazing crime thriller which revolves around mafia and has achieved a numerous of awards. Actors like Al Pacino, Francis ford Coppola and Mario Puzo have worked in this trilogy. Its famous quote is " I'm gonna make him a offer he can't refuse". This single quote have been rulling in every movie fan's heart.

2. The Dark Knight (2008) :- 

This Movie was the best of 2000s decade. The role played Heath ledger was so Breathtaking that people got crazy for Joker. Christopher Nolan have made many Outstanding movies but this piece was groundbreaking on many levels. Heath Ledger locked himself in room for 2 months to get to his role. Christian Bale also played brilliant role of The Batman. This Movie achieved many awards.

3. Inception (2010) :- 

The greatest Mind bending movie of all time. Another Masterpiece of Christopher Nolan, and obviously the best actor Leonardo Di Caprio. It will make you think what is going on,  you will have to give try.

4. Forrest Gump (1999):- 

A Heartfelt Movie by Tom Hanks which revolves around the story whose Iq is 75 and use to see things different way like the Presidencies of kennedy and watergate scandal. It won Millions of Heart worldwide and still is recommended. 

5. Interstellar (2014) :- 

Interstellar is a movie based on the space time topic and its story is a group of explores travel through wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival. It has been stated by famous scientist that everything shown in this movie is 100 percent factual and no mixing. 

6. American Made (2017):- 

It is a real story based on drug mafia where a pilot gets into drug smuggling while working for CIA. Tom cruise have adapted the role beautifully and it really is action comedy movie.

I hope these recommendation will do you good and stay connected. 

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